The Swamp Impeachment Farce and Kooky 2020 Candidates

Every once in a while I want to write my thoughts on various matters here, but for some reason I “self-censor,” because I’m afraid of “offending” someone. Oh, well.

Anyway, there are a lot of issues and kooky characters in the news these days, including an impeachment “trial,” remarks by presidential candidates, and so on. A lot needs to be discussed. So, I will discuss.

Regarding the impeachment “trial,” I first want to reiterate that I am not a supporter of Donald Trump. He’s bad on immigration, trade, foreign policy, the “war on drugs,” and many other issues. But I do like his “Drain the Swamp” message, even though he has been feeding the swamp with all the military generals, neocon hacks and bureaucrats he has had in his administration.

And unfortunately, the establishment in Washington has two political parties known as the “major” parties, Republicrat and Demopublican. They are two sides of the same coin, the statist swamp coin, that is.

First the Democrats and the news media (redundant?) had acted in cahoots with the “dirty cops” of the FBI and DOJ to falsely accuse Trump of “collusions” with Russians to “hack” or steal the 2016 election. The Mueller report exonerated Trump after a 2+ year investigation.

See that ultra-conservative Trump-supporter Glenn Greenwald on that exoneration.

Now, obviously I’m being facetious, as Greenwald is a progressive-left commentator and policy analyst. But because he believes in exposing the actual truth of something, and because he rakes the “news” media propagandists over the coals regarding their cover-ups and hypocrisy and their revolving door with bureaucracies, they have been calling him a “Putin puppet,” “Russian asset,” etc.

Much of the “news” media have been acting like programmed robots in their propaganda crusade against all things Trump.

And the “news” (sic) media get a bad grade (from me) for their coverage of the whole congressional, FBI and Mueller investigations of the collusion allegations, because the media basically acted as stenographers for everything the D.C. swamp creatures tell them, without any investigative research whatsoever.

We might as well close down the Columbia School of Journalism, Emerson College, et al. They are now useless (except for training up-and-coming propagandists for the establishment, the swamp), so it seems.

After the Mueller Report didn’t work for the Democrat-Swamp-FBI-DOJ complex, when the Report was released in March and April of 2019, members of Congress immediately demanded Trump’s tax returns to see if a new fishing expedition would help them. They had no probable cause, reasonable suspicion, no specific tax-related allegation of any kind, but no matter. That was April 3rd of 2019, according to the New York Times and the Washington Times. I don’t want to link to them.

And then a CIA-experienced White House employee calling himself a “whistleblower” leaked second-hand info regarding a Trump phone call, to begin a new impeachment inquiry. The dishonest Rep. Adam Schiff had been in cahoots with “whistleblower” starting the day after the Trump-Ukraine phone call. Actually, the “whistleblower” began in his crusade to get Trump removed from office just days after Trump was inaugurated!

On the first day of the House Impeachment Inquiry, the dishonest Schiff read a fake transcript of the phone call, that read like a mafia boss, to fool listeners (and many in the media) into believing what he was reading was the actual phone call transcript. Just a day or two before that, the White House had released the actual phone call transcript. (Joe Biden, former vice president, corrupt?)

Now, the so-called “whistleblower” was NOT a whistleblower. If you want to know who is a whistleblower, see info on Chelsea Manning, John Kiriakou, William Binney and Thomas Drake, who were all imprisoned by the feds to punish them for releasing info on corruption and criminal behavior by government bureaucrats and military. Exposing wrongdoing is a no-no in Washington!

No, the White House CIA “whistleblower” is not a whistleblower in the true sense of the word, he is just a leaker, not only a leaker but really a propagandist, who leaked hearsay information to the media and Congress.

ANY phone call between ANY president and ANY foreign leader can be manipulated and used to falsely accuse someone of anything! Which is exactly what this situation is.

So what we will have from now on is Republicrat or Demopublican politicians going on fishing expeditions against a president of the opposing party, starting impeachment inquiries and “trials” in the Senate. This is just the beginning, folks.

This is yet another reason why I haven’t voted for a Demopublican or Republicrat since the ’90s! I have been supporting Libertarian Party candidates or “None of the Above,” quite frankly.

And what else has been in the news lately? Well, the 2020 presidential campaign, of course. Besides the senile-sounding 77-year-old Joe Biden, there is the grouchy, cranky 78-year-old Bernie Sanders, who is so much “against the rich” that he has become rich himself. They are both Republicrats, I say.

And Tulsi Gabbard, who is supposedly anti-war, as I am. But as Jacob Hornberger has pointed out, Gabbard is anti-war only in opposition to “regime-change wars,” but not other foreign wars in which American troops are sent off to get killed or crippled for no reason except to enrich the so-called “defense” (sic) contractors. So, she’s kind of hypocritical when it comes to “anti-war,” or she’s just ignorant and confused.

Now Gabbard is suing Hillary Clinton for “defamation,” because Hillary referred to a Democrat running for president as a “Russian asset,” even though Clinton didn’t even mention Gabbard’s name. The suit is completely frivolous, and would be so even if Gabbard’s name was mentioned, and Gabbard will not win the suit.

And one of my favorite libertarian blogs, Target Liberty, has a comprehensive post on the “matronly” Amy Klobuchar, who apparently is a “perfect puppet for the behind the scenes puppetmasters of the Empire.”

Actually, like Trump, any one of these phony-baloneys would be a “perfect puppet for the empire.”

So anyway, impeach away The Donald, I really don’t care. But President Mike Pence? He’s an even worse warmonger than Trump and those other Demopublicans and Republicrats.

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