Category Archives: censorship

Social Media Continue to Censor Non-Government-Approved Facts

The social media censorship of non-official, non-government-approved information (i.e. more factual, non-propaganda, etc.) continues especially with alternative health websites and their social media accounts.

It appears that Instagram is threatening to delete‘s account because the alternative health website posted an image taking Worldometer data on the increase in COVID-19 testing and number of cases versus the continuing decline of deaths.

Instagram told GreenMedInfo that the post was removed because it “goes against our Community Guidelines on harmful false information.”

Of course Instagram gave no evidence on how the information was “false,” even though the government’s information has been false, telling people that there are over 135,000 COVID deaths so far in the U.S.

Which isn’t the case because the CDC has been including deaths from other causes such as gunshot or heart disease, but simply because the person happened to test positive of the coronavirus, even though the person did not actually die from it. They count it anyway.

The CDC and the state “public health” bureaucrats say that a person “likely” or were “presumed” to have had the virus even with some people who were never tested for it. So, such a death count is not the “truth,” and is therefore “false,” according to actual scientific data.

See the CDC’s own revised guidelines (.pdf):

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.

And see the Boston Globe: “[Massachusetts] Officials are now classifying as infected those who were likely stricken by the virus but did not have the diagnosis confirmed through a laboratory test…”

New York Times: “NYC Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count.” The article begins, “New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.”

Project Veritas did an exposé on New York City funeral home directors just writing COVID on all the death certificates.

What “public health” bureaucrats have been doing is they are just putting “COVID-19” as the cause of death on death certificates regardless of the actual cause. This is another reason why some skeptics have been calling the whole thing a “scamdemic.”

So much for “science,” in which a laboratory confirmation for a particular virus would be required for accurate data.

GreenMedInfo actually then posted a quote by Dr. Ron Paul, MD, and was again threatened with deletion by Instagram. The “harmful false information” Instagram accused GreenMedInfo of posting was actually truthful information in that quote by Ron Paul:

The daily death count has morphed into the daily “new case” count, as 100,000 tests a day have exploded into 700,000 tests. Is it a wonder cases are increasing? But what they don’t dare mention is that deaths and even the death rate continue to decline. In fact the CDC warns that Covid is at the stage where it cannot even be classified an epidemic due to declining deaths. Still, more masks are required and petty dictators all around are calling for a return to lockdown. Can the truth ever be heard above all the lies?

But, tech and social media people take the word of government bureaucrats like the word of God, apparently. If a writer or researcher or non-Establishment physician like Ron Paul writes something that goes against Government Truth, then we must delete it, according to Instagram (and Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc., etc.).

David Stockman on the “Second Wave”; The Dishonest “News” Media

David Stockman was a former White House budget director, but in more recent years he has been commenting on other, non-finance matters, such as this year’s “pandemic.” Yes, the “COVID” hysteria that I have already written enough here about, and I’m sick of it.

But we’ll let David Stockman give a more realistic assessment of what’s really been going on. The “second wave,” that some people have been saying is really still part of the first wave in some states, is being propagandized by extremely hysterical news media who are “just flat-out fabricating, censoring and falsifying the evidence with respect to the so-called second wave allegedly hitting the Sun Belt states,” according to Stockman.

The media drumbeat in recent days has especially focused on the alleged surge of new cases in Houston/Harris County, featuring the same old hoary prediction of overflowing hospitals and ICUs that turned out not to be true even in NYC – except for a few hospitals at the epicenter of the pandemic in the Bronx for a few peak weeks in March/April.

Yet just like in the case of the flooded NYC hospitals myth, the readily accessible facts with respect to Texas and Houston refute this weekend’s media blitz entirely.

And they also underscore the everlasting laziness and servility of the MSM. After all, if you start with a positive case rate per 100,000 in Houston that is currently only 17% of that recorded for the Bronx and a death rate that is only 3% of what occurred in the Bronx, why in the world would you even think that Houston is teetering on the edge of a medical calamity?

And, get this:

…it seems that Texas health officials started logging every single COVID-19-positive patient in the state as a COVID-19 hospitalization, even if the patients themselves were admitted seeking treatment for something other than the coronavirus.

As Lindsey Rosales, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Health Services, confirmed recently to an independent investigator:

“The number of hospitalized patients includes patients with a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 even if the person is admitted to the hospital for a different reason,” Rosales said.

Moreover, nearly everyone admitted for some other medical condition – and presumably asymptomatic for Covid – gets tested for Covid-19 before other treatments or surgeries are permitted:

Texas Health Resources, one of the state’s largest hospital systems, says on its website that its “patients [are] tested before most procedures.” Elective surgeries and other medical procedures in Texas have gone up in recent weeks as the state has gradually re-opened following its lockdown.

In other words, the first wave of Lockdowns created a huge backlog of demand for elective surgeries and other discretionary treatments, which were banned by state authorities. But once those bans were lifted and people got in the hospital for deferred treatments, they were tested for Covid and became the statistical gruel for the so-called second wave.

But even then, the Texas hospital statistics over the last three months make mincemeat out of the national media’s weekend narrative that Texas hospitals will soon be overflowing into the hallways. To wit, here is the trend of unused acute care beds in the Texas hospital system:

  • 3/18: 8,155;
  • 4/1: 18,411;
  • 4/15: 21,489;
  • 4/29: 19,432;
  • 5/20: 16,035;
  • 5/27: 15,315;
  • 6/3: 15,219;
  • 6/10: 13,271;
  • 6/17: 14,993;
  • 6/25: 12,571

In short, Texas had gone from virtually no Covid cases or deaths on March 18 to 131,917 cases and 2,296 deaths by June 25, but it actually had 56% more empty hospital beds on the latter date!

He references some quotes from a Houston doctor and a hospital CEO with more realistic information and stating that their hospitals are not overwhelmed by people dying from COVID-19.

Stockman is suggesting that the mainstream “news” media hate Donald Trump so much, they have no problem with lying about the actual COVID situations in those states that were considered to be low-risk states.

Well, it has been obvious to me for  a while that many in the mainstream “news” media are extremely biased to the point of lying, as well as omitting and distorting information toward a particular political or social agenda, and the suggestion that they are doing so here because they just hate Trump may very well be the case.

But it may also be the case that, given the push to rush vaccines to the public quickly, the “news” media have been distorting, omitting and lying because the pharmaceutical companies are some of the media outlets’ important sponsors. In other words, greed and profits above truth.

Orwellian Tolerance of Violence But Intolerance of Verbal Goof-Ups

Because of mass brainwashing in America, and ultra-hyper-sensitivity, we now have harassment of people who stupidly made some innocent remark, not because they are racists, but just out of insensitivity.

Intolerant society now does not forgive people for such verbal mistakes, and people persecute the insensitive louts, getting someone fired from a job or a TV show cancelled, such as Rosanne Barr.

As I mentioned previously, if someone says, “All lives matter,” that is called “insensitive,” and a person is fired from one’s job. I already mentioned how a professor was reading from Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” in which Dr. King used the “N-word.” and because the professor read that out loud, even though it was Dr. King who was using the “N-word,” that professor is being investigated. A liberal, non-racist professor. That is how irrational our society has become.

Well, I have another case of hysteria in the area of hyper-sensitivity. Dave Andelman, who had been CEO and host of “Phantom Gourmet,” a restaurant related Boston TV show, was forced to resign from his CEO and hosting positions because of writing sarcastic remarks on his Facebook page regarding the Black Lives Matter protests, the rioting and vandalism that have been taking place, and the irrational COVID lockdown.

In one post, Andelman wrote, “If the people who fought to create and defend this country knew politicians and police were ‘taking a knee’ after looting in major cities, while millions of law abiding citizens were denied the right to make a living, they’d jam bayonets into their own heads.”

Now, in today’s climate of hostility, that was obviously very dumb of him to write that. However, when you see hundreds of businesses being burned down, owned by people who are not involved in racism or in whatever the rioters’ grievances are, I can understand the need to express a sense of cynicism. Can’t you?

And the people burning down whole businesses, looting and stealing from innocent people, and destroying churches, libraries and homes as well, are not “protesters.” Acts of violence and criminality are NOT legitimate forms of “protest”! If they were, then America is just another third-world hell-hole.

Andelman also mixed his cynicism over the “protests” and rioting and looting with his cynicism over the COVID hysteria, including, “Zero effort to stop or distance these ‘protests’. Open business now and stop this silly charade.” And, “Maybe Back Bay restaurants and retailers could offer touchless, curbside looting and gyms could call workouts “protests against obesity.”

Now, I can see how some ultra-sensitive people may interpret that last remark as showing a lack of compassion toward what actual protesters are protesting, when he writes about workouts being “protests against obesity.” But can people lighten up, for crying out loud? I don’t think that someone should be fired for that.

Again, “looters” are not “protesters.” Looters are thieves and hooligans. Stealing from others is not a legitimate form of protesting. And when people involved in protesting turn to looting and arson, then their own acts of criminality in and of themselves de-legitimize whatever legitimate grievances those perpetrators may have had.

Hooligans and barbarians who violate the lives, property and liberty of others are just as worthy of cynicism, sarcasm, and parody as are the Orwellian “pandemic” policies of our fascist dictator governors.

So the looting, burning down and destroying businesses and threatening the lives of others have nothing to do with protesting racism or police brutality.

If our society continues to tolerate violence but not tolerate mere words, then we really are in serious trouble.

Has Alan Dershowitz Abandoned Support for Constitutional Rights?

Harvard lawyer Alan Dershowitz said that if you refuse a vaccine, “the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.” Yes, he said that.

Dershowitz said in a recent interview that “You have no right not to be vaccinated.” Without regard to the question of safety of the vaccines, Dershowitz said that the State has a right to forcibly inject medicines and chemicals into you against your will.

He cited many court cases to reinforce his assertions, and asserts that the U.S. Constitution grants the State the power to force vaccines on you, a power which supersedes your rights.

Simple-mindedly, he said that “you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread disease…”

Well, of course no one has a “right to spread disease.” But we all have a right to our bodily integrity, and the right to refuse any kind of medicines or chemicals forcibly injected into our bodies, especially medicines or chemicals that have known risks and dangers!

So basically Dershowitz says that we have no right to “endanger the public,” yet the State has a right to endanger us with harmful substances!

Regarding the court cases, rarely does a government court come to the side of the individual when the State wants to do something intrusive. Government courts and judges are tax-funded government employees, so the State is where their ultimate loyalty lies.

And I don’t know whether or not Dershowitz has addressed the importance of due process here. If the government is going to force you to submit to a forcible vaccine intrusion, shouldn’t the government first prove that you actually are a danger? Regarding the COVID flu/cold, we do know that most people who have the virus have either no symptoms or merely mild symptoms, and that the most recent studies concluded that only about a tenth of one percent of those who have the virus actually die from it.

And mustn’t the government also prove that the vaccine it wants to force into your body is safe, as well as effective? Look, if it’s not really effective then there’s no justification for forcing it on someone.

To this day, the government does not have evidence that vaccines are as safe and effective as Western culture has made many people believe. The flu vaccine has been as low as only 10% effective. And see this article on the ineffectiveness of the whooping cough vaccine.

On the vaccines specifically, manufacturers have a spotty record on the safety of vaccines, as many readers already know. (Or maybe they don’t know, given the censorship going on now of those who challenge the vaccine narrative.)

Given the pro-vaccine propaganda in the media, most people probably don’t know about all the lawsuits and government pay-outs to victims of vaccine injuries and deaths. But stab away anyway, says The Dersh.

One problem with vaccines is that they contain adjuvants including mercury and aluminum, which studies have shown those elements can accumulate in the arteries and the brain and cause neurological problems.

See Dr. Mercola: How Aluminum Damages Your Brain, Arjun Walia: Scientist Discovers Cells That ‘Ingest’ Vaccine Aluminum Are The Same Cells Found In Autistic Brains, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: Human Exposure to Aluminum Linked to Familial Alzheimer’s Disease, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: MMR Vaccine’s Poison Pill: Mumps After Puberty, Reduced Testosterone and Sperm Counts, Tracey Watson: The Real Reason Aluminum Is Added to Vaccines, Barbara Loe Fisher: The Historical Facts on Measles and the Measles Vaccine Censored by Mainstream Media, Geier DA, Kern JK, Sykes LK, Geier MR: Mercury-associated diagnoses are common among children diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorders, and Collective Evolution: What Big Pharma Doesn’t Tell Parents: The Truth About Aluminum & Mercury In Children’s Vaccines.

And here is an article by Dr. Meryl Nass on how vaccine mandates enrich the pharmaceutical industry. Those greedy sons-of-bitches. (Sorry for my foul language here.)

Dershowitz also stated that “you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business.” And that despite the risks involved in wearing the mask for longer periods of time. Those risks include oxygen deprivation and compromising one’s immune system, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock, as I mentioned here previously.

Dershowitz is obviously not thinking clearly there. And what do you mean, “no right to open up your business”? As Judge Napolitano pointed out, everyone has a right to due process, especially with this issue. If the government wants to accuse a business owner of being a threat to public health, the government must have evidence against the accused, and in fact there needs to be a trial. The business owner has a right to refute the government’s evidence, or “evidence,” and present one’s own defense.

As we have been hearing all around the country, business owners have a right to make a living and provide for themselves and their families.

You can’t just say that IF people go into that business they might get some virus from other people going into the business, and therefore based on such a prediction then order the business shut down (or ALL businesses for that matter, as the fascist governors have been doing). Not in a free society.

So of course people have a right to refuse a vaccine, people have a right to not wear a mask and people have a right to keep their businesses open. I have no idea what has made Professor Dershowitz become more authoritarian, but I find it disappointing.

COVID Corruption

This COVID stuff is being exploited by very bad people for ends not having anything to do with protecting the health and safety of the people.

As many people are already noticing, the hysterical 24/7 COVID propaganda is very similar to the post-9/11 24/7 propaganda, which contributed much to the advancing police state, and the surveillance state. And now we have hysterical propaganda and the advance of the medical and vaccine police state.

And it’s all a fraud. Try not to be influenced by the hysteria and fear-mongering.

What is the reality of the situation? Well, we know from recent studies, Stanford and University of Miami, that the COVID-19 coronavirus is much more widespread than previously thought, and the studies have shown that the actual infection fatality rate is just about .1%. That’s a tenth of one percent, which means it’s as serious as the seasonal flu.

Even the infectious bureaucrat Dr. Death, a.k.a. Dr. Fauci, wrote way back on February 28th that the fatality rate will probably turn out to be well less than 1%.

As you have already heard, most people who have the virus don’t even know it and have no symptoms, or if they do have symptoms they are mild symptoms.

The worry over people being “carriers” without knowing it is unfounded, given that there has been no worry that carriers of the flu virus each season can pass it on to others and cause deaths. Seasonal influenza kills tens of thousands of people each season in the U.S.

And now that some states have been reopening, we are seeing that the infection rate really is more widespread, but the death rate continues to fall, as is the case in Georgia.

So all the hysteria and panic over the past two months has been over nothing! There has never been any legitimate reason to order businesses closed in violation of the Constitution, and cancel events, concerts, ball games, make people stay “6 feet away,” wear masks, and all the other fascist mandates and restrictions.

What the governors and mayors have been doing to us has been criminal, as this is turning out to be a deliberate scheme, for corrupt reasons, for power grabs and for grabbing tax-funded “stimulus” money and much higher Medicare reimbursements.

Especially given that the scammers’ modeling has been wrong, modeling on which the national fascist lockdown has been based.

Therefore, there’s no point to doing all the testing, invasive “contact tracing” and tracking of people like in dystopian China.

So to summarize in some way what I have mentioned here previously, first we have the CDC changing its guidelines, in which “laboratory confirmation” of COVID-19 is not necessary, the feds encouraging doctors, hospitals and medical examiners to count non-COVID-19 deaths as “COVID-19” deaths, in order to artificially raise the COVID death count.

That is, if someone died from a heart attack or heart disease or kidney disease, or from a fall, that’s still counted as a “COVID” death, whether or not the person actually happened to test positive for coronavirus or was never even tested!

The states are following those new guidelines to publish significantly incorrect and fraudulent COVID death numbers as well. In Massachusetts, according to the Boston Globe, “Officials are now classifying as infected those who were likely stricken by the virus but did not have the diagnosis confirmed through a laboratory test,” as encouraged by the corrupt and dishonest CDC.

The Glob article also mentions that inflating the infection numbers is also toward “allocation of resources,” i.e. the states getting those huge federal stimulus checks.

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker and his fellow bureaucrats are extremely greedy, given that they are looking for federal handouts while Massachusetts already has a $3.5 billion “rainy day fund”!

The controversial Project Veritas interviewed New York funeral home directors who claimed that hospitals or medical examiners are putting “COVID” on death certificates as the cause of death, regardless of whether the person actually had the disease. “They’re writing COVID on all the death certificates…”

So this whole thing is just a corrupt scam. Those governors are real psychopaths, given what they are willing to inflict on millions of innocent people!

Also in New York, Gov. Cuomo has been ordering nursing homes to admit people known to have COVID-19 or tested positive for the virus, which obviously would be a threat to the other nursing home residents. The murderous Cuomo is either very stupid and incompetent or he’s intentionally wanting to contribute to higher COVID death counts, or both.

Besides the corruption and criminality, there is also incompetence, such as doctors who do not understand the dangerous impact that ventilators could have. Investigative researcher Jon Rappoport wrote a recent post on these issues, including:

A close and trusted researcher has told me the following: many older people live with chronically low oxygen levels. This may not be ideal, but they survive.

However, when such people arrive at hospitals, doctors can misinterpret the oxygen levels, believing these are dire emergency situations—and therefore, they put the patients on ventilators. With too much pressure, the result can be lung damage and death.

So, as I mentioned in an earlier post regarding the NIH’s warning about possible ventilator problems, one issue is too much oxygen being forced into the lungs.

And there could also be the problem of oxygen deprivation, as Rappoport notes.

And of course there is the financial issue, as noted above. Rappoprt continues:

Insurance money. In a phone interview, physician and Minnesota state senator, Scott Jensen, told me that hospitals, who are suffering very deep financial losses, are incentivized by Medicare to label as many patients as possible “COVID-19,” and to put them on ventilators.

Jensen stated that a patient on Medicare, diagnosed with straight pneumonia, would bring a $4600 payment to the hospital. The same patient, labeled “COVID-19 pneumonia,” would bring $13,000. And if that patient is put on a ventilator: $39,000.

Result? Patients unnecessarily put on ventilators. With the wrong protocol, harm and death could result.

Hospitals are paid more in Medicare funds for each confirmed or “presumed” coronavirus patient, as noted above with the CDC’s changed guidelines!

So, based on the actual truth, facts and empirical data, this virus has been at the same level of seriousness as a cold or the seasonal flu as I mentioned at the top. But COVID has been intentionally exaggerated by those government bureaucrats and the “news journalists” in the media, and not just for government handouts and social control but for other ulterior purposes.

The truth is, the “liberal” bureaucrats’ fascist agenda is rearing its ugly head now.

Besides the corruption, power trips and greed with bureaucrats and their crony cohorts, now we have the developing dystopian “contact tracing” stasi, in which bureaucrats are creating new agencies with people who love being invasive into other people private lives.

The “contact tracing” stasi want to know whom you have been with, your associations, all those aspects of your life that are none of their damn business!

Gov. Charlie Baker wants “contact tracing,” to slow the spread or even stop COVID-19. He wants these draconian policies until a vaccine is ready.

But what about the flu that kills tens of thousands in the U.S. each season? Right.

Therefore, this scheme has no legitimate or practical purpose other than to seize away whatever privacy and security people have in their lives.

Fascist California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants an “army” of contact tracers. Ack. The Clinton Foundation wants to create a national contact tracing force, using AmeriCorps. Ack!

What is this, an Alfred Hitchcock movie?

So, there is something more devious going on. Otherwise, why can’t the “officials” just protect the most vulnerable, the elderly, obese, diabetics and others with underlying serious health conditions, and leave the rest of us the hell alone?!

One thing I have noticed is that this COVID fiasco seems to have been preceded by Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms censoring alternative nutrition and health information.

That is relevant, given the obsession with not letting us have our freedom back “until we have a COVID vaccine” (which can be hazardous!) that some people including Bill Gates want to mandate on ALL people all over the world.

Yes, much of this crap is in devout service to the … pharmaceutical companies! (What a shock, I know.) And their damn vaccines.

Previous to this possibly planned COVID coronavirus situation, Google and Facebook had already been censoring health and nutrition websites and links from Facebook or Twitter pages or feeds.

For instance, had a lengthy article on Google’s horrific censorship of health websites. It notes that Google’s recent policy updates have Google “penalizing every single site that they decided is not ‘mainstream’ enough, no matter how good their science is.”

You can check it out for yourself: type any health topic in Google, and look at what comes up in the first 10 results. WebMD, Healthline, and some hospitals usually. Then type it in Bing: you’ll see that Bing gives better and more relevant results every time.

Literally every health website has been penalized that is not affiliated with mainstream hospitals or institutions (such as the Mayo or Cleveland clinic), or that is not WebMD or Healthline (the 2 largest sites).

Selfhacked’s November, 2019 article says that mainstream health websites such as Healthline and WebMD mainly use sources from each other’s content and hospitals and government institutions, but not from peer-reviewed scientific articles.

I’ve actually interviewed several people who used to write for Healthline. They would frequently write about extremely serious and complex medical topics, such as cancer. I asked these people if they would be interested in writing a SelfHacked article. They all replied similarly, to the effect of: “oh, I don’t have the necessary background for that. Healthline articles are easy to write — I wouldn’t be qualified to write SelfHacked articles.”

With Google, says Selfhacked, it apparently doesn’t want to give you results of what you’re looking for, but what it wants you to see, based more on ideology.

And Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has had perhaps the most popular and most visited health-related website, also got his search results smashed by Google’s June, 2019 update, as he wrote in this November, 2019 article. Mercola refers to Healthline and WebMD as “Google-trusted” health websites, “both of which promote health-harming drugs and junk food with their articles.”

Mercola refers to the crony wheeling and dealing going on with Healthline and WebMD and the makers of junk food and pharmaceutical companies.

Another popular health website that also got whacked by Google,, also wrote about Google’s censorship of non-“mainstream” health websites. Its founder, Sayer Ji, seemed to touch on something that’s relevant to the current situation in his June, 2019 article writing, has been a source of whistle-blowing information about Big Pharma and Big Tech collusion for decades, so it is no surprise why Google would take this action against his platform, and similar ones. In fact, signs of the coming purge came back in 2016, when GlaxoSmithKline signed a $715 million contract to partner with Google, and with increasing partnerships with pharmaceutical companies in 2019 like Sanofi.  Google’s parent company Alphabet is heavily invested in a vaccine company,Vaccitech, founded by scientists at Oxford University. Google, it appears, has become a pay-to-play operation, and contains a specific sociopolitical and economic agenda that is built directly into its search algorithms.

Besides Google’s shenanigans, Facebook announced in early 2019 in response to Rep. Adam Schiff that it may remove “anti-vaccine conspiracy theory” content from its platform. And then it announced that it would make alternative vaccine information harder to find, calling it “misinformation.”

But, as Sharyl Attkisson has documented, and Dr. Mercola as well,  there are many studies now which show the harm of vaccines.

It seems to me that the censorship of nutrition and alternative, non-mainstream (i.e. more honest, factual and science-based) health information has preceded this ongoing COVID-19 “crisis” for some reason.

So, I don’t know whether the bureaucrats in charge are imposing business closures and job losses, cancelling events and ball games, imposing house arrest of the masses, might be to do with an attempt to influence the 2020 Presidential election, an attempt to impose socialism, or crony relations with Big Pharma, or just a lust for power. Perhaps all of the above?

Whatever the case, the bureaucrats are sick, sick deranged psychopaths, that’s for sure. Not only are they not protecting us, they are destroying our civil liberties, our livelihoods, our health, our privacy, and our society.

A Propaganda Piece by the Boston Glob

The Boston Glob published an article about many health care workers refusing flu shots. The article claims that such a refusal “endangers patients,” and the only evidence it provides is the fear-mongering rhetoric of the people interviewed for the story.

NOT ONE health care worker who refused the flu shot is interviewed for this article! Ya think, Boston Glob? Don’t we get to hear why the hell health care workers would refuse to get the flu shot? Nope.

No, we don’t really want these professional health care workers’ own actual explanations for why they won’t get the flu shot. Great journalism, Boston Glob!

In other words, this is nothing but a propaganda piece. The medical establishment and Big Pharma have stepped up their campaign, really a crusade, to make the pharmaceutical companies a lot of money.

Meanwhile, all I had to do was use DuckDuckGo (rather than Google that we know censors good health info) for about a few seconds, and I found this article on that actually explains why health care workers and nurses won’t get the flu shot. The vaccines in some cases are dangerous, and risky! Just read how totalitarian the CDC is getting, as well as nursing schools who are requiring the flu vaccine participation in experiments now! And with some hospitals, according to VaccineImpact, it’s about profits.

This other more recent article on VaccineImpact says that $200 million has been paid out by the U.S. government in 2019 for vaccine injury claims. Hmmm, I wonder why. Many of those cases are for flu vaccines. The article further explains some of the propaganda tactics of mainstream media outlets to hide the dangers of vaccines. What is with these people?

You see, this is why we need a free, uncensored Internet and alternative, non-mainstream, non-establishment websites to exist, so that people can have actual information and make their own decisions.

Google Promotes Junk Food and Big Pharma

In this important article, Dr. Joseph Mercola describes how Google searches are selectively burying the Mercola website, especially articles that had in the past made the top of the results. The article also shows how at the same time Google gives establishment medicine and Big Pharma top priority in results, such as WebMD and Healthline. Dr. Mercola gives the details of the crony relationships between those websites and the makers of junk food as well as the pharmaceutical companies. Apparently, Google is violating its own policy by promoting WebMD.

Vaccine Mandates vs. Freedom of Choice and Informed Consent

For some reason, the news media are covering the opioid addiction crisis, and government officials such as state attorneys general are suing pharmaceutical companies. But when it comes to the vaccine issue and the problem of vaccine injuries, the situation is in the reverse. People who are complaining about vaccine injuries are dismissed by the “authorities” and there is heavy criticism thrown against those who choose not to vaccinate. Why is this?

On the opioid issue, in my opinion the biggest problem is the damn doctors who are prescribing those pain killers to people who don’t really need them, and getting them addicted. We need to publicly name and shame those doctors. And that is what I think about that.

But the opioid issue is not why I’m writing this post. It’s the vaccine issue. I have written here about the vaccine issue and posted several links to articles on the issue. My main concern is the government making vaccines mandatory, whether for kids or for adults.

Sorry, in a free society people have a right to not have their bodies subjected to forcible intrusion of any kind. Right?

The problem is that, because of the power that the pharmaceutical industry has especially in its collusions with government bureaucracies, many people are more influenced by propaganda and fear-mongering than by rational discussions of the issues.

Vaccine skeptics are now labeled “anti-vaxxers,” and “dangerous,” although many of those people are really ex-vaxxers, they are mothers of vaccine-injured kids. For example, the heroic mothers who were engaged in protests in California to try to derail the bill that Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law to mandate vaccines and/or remove exemptions.

Another problem is, regarding how influenced people can be by mass media, many news media outlets have pharmaceutical companies as their important sponsors. So, news editors, producers and reporters don’t want to “rock the boat” when it comes to the vaccine issue. And also a lot of people don’t read, so they are not exposed to non-Establishment medical information, such as the rates of vaccine injuries, the fact that injuries are way under-reported, the connections between Big Pharma execs and FDA bureaucrats, and so on.

Regarding the California mandate issue, in her comments on the mothers who were demonstrating, chanting and disrupting legislative sessions, Bretigne Shaffer writes:

More fundamentally though, these laws represent a violation of some of our basic rights: The right to bodily autonomy for ourselves and for our children, and the right to associate freely with others (in this case, schools) without interference from the state. In essence, the State of California is holding hostage our children’s ability to attend school (public or private), unless we subject them to medical procedures we may not approve of.

So what do we do when we are faced with illegitimate laws that violate our rights?

Those mothers had the right idea when they shut down the California Senate last Monday: Disrupt the activities of those who would trample our rights, and make it impossible for them to do their jobs.

I thoroughly agree with this view of non-violent civil disobedience. When the people’s rights are being trampled by the rulers, they are right to have the courage to exercise their First Amendment right to protest, and even engage in civil disobedience if necessary.

Dr. Mercola also has a recent article on vaccine injuries and mandates, doctors withholding the information on the risks of vaccines, and the bureaucrats who are now taking over medical decisions in California. This vaccine fascism (call it what it is, quite frankly) is also going on in New York and other states, by the way.

Dr. Mercola points out some facts that we don’t or rarely hear in the mainstream news:

Another example is “Deaths Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, 1997-2013, published in 2015. In this report, it’s stated that of the 1,469 child death reports, 79.4% had received one or more vaccines on the same day they died.

The most common cause of death, based on autopsy records, was sudden infant death syndrome, accounting for 44% of cases, followed by asphyxia (6%), septicemia (4.9%) and pneumonia (4.6%). In adults, the vaccine associated with the greatest number of deaths was inactivated influenza vaccine, which featured in 51.4% of adult deaths reported to VAERS.

Despite these shocking findings, the report concludes that “No concerning pattern was noted among death reports submitted to VAERS during 1997-2013.” How can the fact that 79.4% of infant deaths occur on the same day that they’re vaccinated be a pattern of no concern?

Unfortunately, it seems that most people aren’t getting any of this kind of information. Information is necessary to make a decision, and that is why people have a right to consent or not consent to any kind of intrusion or medical treatment.

In a free society, nothing should be involuntary as ordered by the government! Don’t you think so?

In California, a government bureaucrat will be the final authority on medical exemptions for vaccines, not actual medical doctors. And this is very dangerous. It’s bad enough that we have doctors who are in bed with pharmaceutical companies and there may be a quid pro quo going on with the vaccines and other drugs being given out by doctors like candy. But when a bureaucrat is in charge, in my opinion it is reminding me of the awful things I have heard about in medicine in the Soviet Union.

And also, now that Gov. Newsom has signed the bill into law, I hope that medical freedom activists will monitor which bureaucrats have that actual authority, and whether those bureaucrats have any ties with pharmaceutical companies.

And finally, a great article by Dr. Meryl Nass, MD posted on Health Impact News, with a lot of information for those who want more information on the vaccine issue. Apparently, Canada is catching up with the U.S. and the crony welfare queens of Big Pharma  are getting rich based on mass ignorance, hysteria and propaganda.

I will just quote from the first several paragraphs here:

I am a veteran of the vaccine war in the US, and today I feel compelled to speak about what I saw in that war.

Legislators were forced to change their votes to revoke vaccine exemptions and rescind the historic right to consent to medical procedures.

The vaccine war is a dirty war, in which platitudes about protecting the most vulnerable are invoked by the same pharmaceutical companies that paid $2.7 billion in criminal penalties in the US between 2012 and 2015.

The vaccine industry generates enormous profits (estimated 10-40%), benefits from a government-guaranteed market, and receives almost total liability protection.

No other industry can rival these benefits.  And this industry’s rapacious desire to grow and guarantee its Canadian market is the reason we are here today.

Let me add context to this discussion by noting that in 2014, the NY Times said it cost $2200 to fully vaccinate one child.

At that price, it cost $163 billion dollars to fully vaccinate every US child.

May I apologize at the outset for using mostly US data?  I provide Canadian and New Brunswick information when available.

Pharma’s Pilgrimage to New Brunswick

Since March 2019, representatives of the three largest vaccine manufacturers in North America:  GSK, Merck and Sanofi, have made their way to New Brunswick to meet with ministers, public servants and lawmakers.

This is not coincidental. Pharmaceutical companies are colluding to expand on legislative victories gained in the US.

Using a media storm over measles, censorship of numerous vaccine-related websites, new support for mandates from professional organizations that have benefitted from industry largesse, and deals with Democratic party leaders, the right to religious and philosophic vaccine exemptions has been voted away by legislatures in California, New York and Maine.

In the recent case of New York, the Speaker of the NY Assembly was caught on videotape directing a committee member to change his vote in order for the mandate legislation to move forward.

This was not an idle pilgrimage to one of Canada’s smallest provinces. For Pharma it is the gateway to all of Canada.

The vaccine industry in 2019 is at a crossroads.

On the one hand, the vaccine business is booming.  Several vaccines have been newly licensed, a robust industry-FDA revolving door has been established, and the children of North America are receiving more vaccines than ever before.

Merck, for example, reported increased sales in the second quarter of 2019 for Gardasil HPV vaccine of 46% (to over $3 billion US annually) compared to last year, and increased sales of 58% for its MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella and varicella) vaccine.

These are Merck’s 3d and 4th biggest sellers.  This year’s US measles outbreak (about 1200 cases) and media-driven fears of contagion contributed to vaccine uptake.

On the other hand, the industry does not want to shoulder the considerable expense of developing, testing and licensing new vaccines–over 100 of which are in development–without a government guarantee that they will be purchased.

Vaccines are being developed for everything from acne to cancers.

Vaccine mandates guarantee a vaccine market, now and in the future. Mandates put in place today will enforce the uptake of vaccines on the currently required list, plus other vaccines yet to be added.

I very much recommend that article. It goes on to give a lot of important information that most people will find very useful. I say “most” because obviously the cronies of Big Pharma will not find it in their own interest. That is why there is so much censorship going on now in social media, Amazon deleting books with critical vaccine information (that Amazon ignorantly or dishonestly calls “misinformation”) and so on. I really hope that pattern reverses itself.

The Official Vaccine Narrative, Sold by Propaganda

A recent article by Bretigne Shaffer on the vaccine controversy refers to how some Internet sites are now censoring or taking down older articles that challenge the vaccine narrative. Influential Internet websites such as Huffington Post are censoring valid studies in order to make people less informed. Why would they do this?

In my opinion, in most cases those websites are being run by easily manipulated social activists, and, in the case of the vaccine issue they are acting as useful idiots for the sake of Pig Pharma profits. That’s basically it. I know, “useful idiot” is a bit harsh, and it certainly doesn’t apply in all cases.

But Merck, Glaxo and Pfizer really are making big bucks. And I don’t know why. How can these big corporations have such a huge influence on people? Just effective propaganda?

And Bretigne Shaffer also explains how the science on vaccines is not at all “settled.” So that’s a very good article to check out.

Another recent article, by Alison Fujito at the Children’s Health Defense website, is an open letter to New Yorker writer Nick Paumgarten, who wrote an apparently unprofessional and ignorant article on the measles.

Among other things, Fujito writes:

Some of us are not even opposed to vaccines, only to compulsory vaccination.  Others have, understandably, lost trust in the entire medical system. We are, however, united in our opposition to fraudulent product licensure, fraudulent product marketing, and corruption of government entities meant to oversee industry, but staffed by it instead.

People seem to have no trouble understanding the fraud and corruption that led to the opioid debacle.  And the Vioxx debacle. And the DES, thalidomide, and countless other debacles caused by pharmaceutical dishonesty.  There is clear evidence of  fraud and corruption involving many vaccines. Why is that so hard to accept?

Note that Merck has been in federal court since 2010 on fraud charges brought by their own virologists, who disclosed that they were actually forced to falsify efficacy data for the MMR vaccine.

This is especially significant because Merck, like other vaccine manufacturers, is already exempt from the gold standard requirement of randomized, double-blind, inert-placebo-controlled safety trials on vaccines because they are classified as “biologics” rather than “drugs.” Yet, astoundingly, in the US, they cannot be sued for adverse reactions, not even if they are proven negligent.

Inadequate safety testing for a mandated medical intervention, yet full protection from liability — this is a recipe for disaster.

There are a lot of very good points in that article as well, for those who believe in honest medical care, and who believe in medical freedom, that is, the freedom to choose what substances to put into one’s own body or one’s child’s body, and the freedom to not have a substance invasively and forcibly injected into us, involuntarily.

Sadly, our society has become one of passive, unchallenging acceptance of what establishment medicine has to tell us (or force on us). It is a society of Doctor Worship, I think. But it has been my own personal experience that many doctors just like to hand out drugs like candy as though they are the magical cure or THE only way of prevention. I think it’s the same thing with the vaccines. Much of the establishment vaccine narrative is based on superstition, in my opinion.

GoFundMe Censors Researcher Connecting Aluminum to Brain Disorders

Some of my recent posts have been regarding the censorship of health information, especially “alternative” health information that challenges the status quo, censorship by Google and social media platforms. Well now there is an article by Arjun Walia of Collective Evolution on how a British bioinorganic chemistry scientist, Dr. Christopher Exley, has shown how aluminum as adjuvants being injected into people via vaccines remain and accumulate in the body and in the brain.

In the article it is pointed out that Dr. Exley has shown a linkage between the vaccine adjuvant aluminum and neurological disorders including autism. I know, the linkage between vaccines and autism has been “debunked.” But it really hasn’t been “debunked.” And not surprisingly, according to the article, Dr. Exley’s crowd funding to study aluminum in vaccines was shut down by GoFundMe.

Sadly, propaganda from the pharmaceutical industry has really influenced the masses to not let their faith in the “miracle” vaccines be shaken by scientific studies. We must not even question the possibility that chemicals injected with vaccines might damage our brains. (Merck might lose profits, heaven forbid.)

Internet Censors Are the Intolerant “Book Burners”

I have found something that expands on what I was writing here a few days ago. Here is a terrific article by Daisy Luther of the “Organic Prepper,” on the censorship of alternative media being a virtual book burning. That’s exactly right. The censors of Google, YouTube, Amazon are just like the book-burners of Nazi Germany and the old days in some parts of the U.S.

Google And Social Media Censorship of Non-Establishment Health Information

There is an extensive article on about Google’s censorship of non-Establishment health information. is a “simple blog for biohackers…recognized among the most trusted sources for natural health research on the planet.” That post was linked to by another informative health website,

Now, over the past many years since my medical ordeal with my Establishment doctors’ bad advice and bad prescription drugs, I have relied mainly on alternative health news. Because of my ulcerative colitis sensitive condition, I can’t eat certain foods that are actually important for our health, such as most vegetables and nuts, and other foods that are not easily digested. But the various foods and supplements I have now (as alternatives) I learned about not from doctors but from the Internet. What if the censorship campaign that seems to be unfolding now was already underway during the 2000s and later? How would I have known about my alternatives? For instance, how would I get further information on and comparisons and ratings of magnesium supplements?

Another recent article on the theme of alternative health censorship is on Dr. Mercola’s website, regarding the “technology tyrants” and their attempts to “control the masses through massive data collection, surveillance and censorship.” Dr. Mercola discusses an article that Washington Post reporter Lena Sun is preparing, a “hit piece” for which Sun interviewed Mercola via email and he published her questions and his answers in his article. She seems intent on doing a hatchet job on someone who provides important information that the general public are not getting from their doctors or from the mainstream media.

And I am not sure if I covered it here, but also recently Jon Rappoport’s blog on was taken down without explanation. I can just guess that it was because he has written a lot of posts on the vaccine industry and on the link between vaccines and not just autism but other neurological problems as well. I have also written some posts on vaccines on this blog and other more personal posts that I have spent a lot of time on, like the one on my ordeal with the doctors’ bad advice and their damn prescription drugs. I hope my blog doesn’t get taken down also.

By the way, Jon Rappoport’s blog is back up on his own website, No More Fake News. (I think it’s getting a bit more difficult to hope for no more fake news, since there’s so much of it now.)

There is propaganda everywhere now. From the college campuses with the wacky professors and the easily-triggered “snowflakes” shouting down any speaker they disagree with, to the news media who act as unchallenging press spokespeople for government bureaucrats and corporate fat cats. You have to really have an open mind and you have to have access to the Internet to do your own research to get the real truth.

But it is quite concerning with the young people now, many of whom are graduating from the schools not only ignorant of history and whose critical thinking skills have been squashed by intolerant teachers, themselves quite ignorant. But also the young people having been brainwashed with various irrational social and cultural beliefs. That is distressing.

And the workers at the Big Tech companies such as Facebook and Google are of the younger variety in their 20s and 30s. A lot of them supposedly are “Social Justice Warriors,” but not really. They are just “Control Warriors.” Their activism is mainly for the sake of control, controlling what other people say or what other people are allowed to think. This is not good.

So, how many vaccine doses are these young people given now in their earlier years? 60 vaccine doses by the age of 6? What are the vaccines and their adjuvants such as aluminum doing to these young people’s brains? And that’s in addition to the prescription drugs such as Adderall and Zoloft that are also screwing up the young people’s brains. Add to all that the marijuana and other street drugs they take in their teens and 20s.

But we’re not allowed to say those things, because we’re not allowed to say that aluminum being injected into little kids bodies accumulates in the brain and affects the kids’ brains in their early developing stages, and their little neurotransmitters.

Another worrisome part of society now is how a lot of people are literally addicted to their computers, phones and social media. They just can’t let go of their phones. Is Big Tech hypnotizing the young, and turning them into zombies?

And so, it might sound a bit “conspiracy theory,” but besides acting on behalf of Establishment medicine and Big Pharma/Big Agra, the propagandized robots of Big Tech really have been colluding with government agencies, including the “intelligence” agencies, to “influence” people’s thinking. (On that last issue, see this, this, this, this, this, this, and this.)