Category Archives: Mental Health

Troubling Times Now

As I have been saying in the past, I really wanted to get back to this blog and make it a regular thing, to air my personal issues and grievances as well as comment on today’s societal issues.

But I guess I’ve been having a little difficulty with motivation, not to mention this presidential election and the threats of violence if the outcome doesn’t go someone’s way, as well as the COVID false flag hysteria turning the whole society into a dystopian, Orwellian nightmare. The masses are clearly being propagandized by the liars of the government and media.

Yes, a “false flag.” What else could explain the hysteria over a virus in which a majority of the people who have it are asymptomatic? And most of those who do have symptoms have mild cold or flu-like symptoms. It has a 99.9% survival rate even with those who suffer comorbidities!

Okay, I’ve written enough about COVID. I’m sick of it. Aren’t you? We know it’s not nearly as serious as the government and media fear-mongers have been claiming, and there is no good reason for lockdowns, business closures, or even masks.

Don’t get me started on the damn masks. In my opinion, the masks represent a suppression of dissent. The orders to wear masks have nothing to do with “saving lives,” but more to do with imposing obedience and submission.

If the masks not only have shown to be ineffective at preventing the transmission of virus, but can cause oxygen deprivation and bacterial accumulation that could affect one’s health by directly placing it on one’s nose and mouth then at the very least each individual must have the choice whether or not to wear it. Right? That’s the only decent and moral policy for masks.

The only people who should wear the masks are those who are caring for very sick people, such as doctors and medical personnel, according to the World Health Organization. (“Really? That’s not what the media propagandists have been saying,” etc., etc.)

I was very distressed by Libertarian Party presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen in a photo of herself with VP nominee “Spike” Cohen wearing those damn masks, and showing their obedience and submission to the State! That’s really what that is.

But COVID and the masks are NOT what I wanted to discuss here.

I wanted to discuss the many people now who are irrational and believe various things that are not the case, especially in the U.S. A lot of superstitious people out there, some would say brainwashed, or at least very indoctrinated, from their daily and hourly mass media and minute-by-minute social media, as well as many years of government school indoctrination.

For example, there are conservatives who worship the legacy, or false legacy that is, of President Ronald Reagan. Yes, he cut taxes in 1981. But what his worshipers don’t tell you or even acknowledge themselves is that Reagan then went on to raise taxes the following year. And his administration went on to do more shell games and con games for the rest of his years as president. (This article by Sheldon Richman and this one by Murray Rothbard are informative.)

The reason why I am bringing that up here is that, currently while “fiscal conservatives” and libertarians had praised Donald Trump’s tax cuts, we were not totally informed as to the whole story. Apparently, the corporate tax cuts were made to be permanent. That is why, with the cuts themselves, the permanence of the corporate tax cuts enabled businesses, i.e. employers, to better plan for the future as far as whether to expand their businesses and that means hiring more workers. That was a big reason why Walmart and others raised wages and gave more bonuses, and the unemployment rate dropped.

However, the Trump individual tax cuts were not made permanent. They were made to be temporary tax cuts, just like the Bush tax cuts of the 2000s! “Son of a B” as one might say. What a bunch of shysters and phonies, these politicians! So most people’s individual taxes will go up starting in 2021 and continuing until 2027, as part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Thanks, Donald, you crumb!

But a lot of people have convinced themselves that Reagan was a “fiscal conservatives,” or that Trump wants the workers to keep more of their own money. No, Trump wants more money to go to the overly-bloated and undeserving federal bureaucracy. And we know that’s the case because he refuses to cut spending in any significant way, especially “defense” spending.

(Have you heard Sean Hannity on the radio? He’s a Trump worshiper if there ever was one. It’s sickening. Totally delusional. But, I like hearing his producer Lynda who sounds a little like she’s from New York. But I digress.)

Anyway, like Reagan, Trump also loves the police state (recent example), the war on drugs, and continued militarism. So to hell with him as far as I’m concerned.

On the “other side of the aisle,” we have officials who for months now have been siccing government stasi and storm troopers onto peaceful churchgoers, dog-walkers, and picnic-gatherers sans masks or not observing “social distancing” diktats, but such officials look the other way when violent thugs engage in rioting, looting and arson burning down businesses in many cities non-masked and certainly not “social distancing.” That was the biggest thing this year telling us that those officials are full of it. They are absolutely full of it, and we shouldn’t believe anything they say regarding the seriousness of COVID or how “concerned” they are, because they aren’t. They just have an anti-social political agenda that targets Christians and business owners and workers.

And by the way, in those cities such as Portland and Seattle that are all but destroyed by brainwashed hooligans, many of the businesses that have been burned to the ground are owned by black people and employ black people! Where is the concern by “liberals” for those black lives (as in “Black Lives Matter”)?

And then there are the mobs now. Are you one of those young activist punks joining mobs of angry chanting “protesters” who gang up on innocent people at a store or sitting at a restaurant minding their own business? I am getting close to age 60 and I don’t like living in fear that some mob is going to gang up on me and threaten me. I’ve been a peaceful, law-abiding citizen for all my life and would never treat others in that kind of way, or as a part of a gang of people ganging up on one lone person. If they’re going to intentionally terrorize innocent people, those mobs who do that should be charged with making threats and maybe even charged with terrorism. What do you think?

But regarding the ignorant economic beliefs that many people have, not just the conservative Reagan-worshipers mentioned above but especially the people on “the other side of the aisle,” they are not just “anti-business” but really anti-free exchange and anti-profit. Generations and generations of people are brainwashed after decades and decades of government indoctrination in the schools to have contempt for the “free market” and for profit, the peaceful, voluntary exchange of funds and capital with goods and services.

Don’t be anti-profit. We all profit. When you go to the store you give the clerk something you value less than you value the item you are buying. You are profiting from the transaction! Ooooh! I could go on and on.

But sadly, too many people are indoctrinated to have those anti-market views, and they believe that government bureaucrats, enforced by their goons the government police, must forcibly take away earnings and honestly-acquired wealth from some people to give it over to others. (And conservatives are among that crowd, too, by the way. Otherwise, they would support the Libertarian Party’s platform that includes the elimination of the income tax.) For someone to receive anything of value form others legitimately, it must be a voluntary, mutually consenting exchange. Anything that’s involuntary is criminal.

As I wrote at the top, I’d like to get back to writing on this here blog. The events of this past year and uncertainty of the future make that difficult. Will election aftermath include violence in the streets or even the suburbs? Will a President Harris, I mean Biden, impose the socialist agenda they want to force on us (like their beloved Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea)? Will the COVID false flag be even worse in the next year, with the outright forcible closing down of businesses, churches, synagogues (Mayor De Blasio is going after the Jews! What a schmuck!), and jailing of dissenters exercising their right to not wear masks that block their breathing capabilities?

It’s one of those times, quite frankly.

Wake Up and Question the COVID Narrative

Well, in my previous post I tried to offer a summary of how the COVID “crisis” has been extremely overblown and how government bureaucrats have been outright lying about the coronavirus “cases” and the death numbers as a means to further terrify the population into compliance of even more draconian policies and to seize more power and control over us. And I of course included my own bit of sarcasm and cynicism in that post. However, the post doesn’t seem to have gotten very many views.

So perhaps you might enjoy this article by holistic psychiatrist Kelly Brogan, MD, that gives a lot of good information on what the government “public health” bureaucrats are doing to us as far as imposing counter-productive and in fact idiotic policies to “fight COVID.” Dr. Brogan also goes into the psychological aspects underlying the “global Stockholm Syndrome,” in which the masses do not seem very capable of dealing with their traumas and instead find comfort in compliance with authorities diktats. And Dr. Brogan also gets into the effects of propaganda.

Dr. Brogan concludes by linking to, which has many videos of doctors and other analysts debunking many myths about the face masks, as well as questioning germ theory, questioning government and special interest agendas, questioning what COVID represents psychospiritually, and also videos with whistleblower testimony.

So I hope you find all that informative and helpful. Sadly, you will not find any useful information from the mainstream media, not from the New York Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and all those kinds of propagandists. I think they have outlived their usefulness, and are now just obedient government press releasers.

From the mainstream media you will get government-issued lies and psy-ops (i.e. “psychological operations,” which is a term mainly describing military psychological manipulation of the enemy in times of war). The truth and reality are important, so I hope that these alternative sources can remain online before the censors get them.

Dr. Thomas Szasz Born 100 Years Ago Today

As I wrote in my post on the state of psychiatry these days, I myself had been in therapy and group therapy during the 1980s as well as having taken psychology courses in college. So, psychology in general has been of interest to me, but the psychological and psychiatric professions as well.

Sadly, there are too many people in those professions who are themselves very screwed up, or ignorant, or brainwashed to follow the latest trendy fad or acceptable narrative. In these later years I think there is too much political correctness and intolerance toward those who do not buy a lot of the garbage in society today. I feel for today’s patients and psychotherapy clients who might be “needy” emotionally but whose personality goes against the grain of the practitioners who are snootily “woke.”

Anyway, one of my favorite psychiatrists was Dr. Thomas Szasz, who was skeptical of the idea of “mental illness” or of calling people with mental or mood disorders, “diseased.” He said they did not have a disease. There would need to be objective, scientific diagnostic tests such as X-rays and blood work to be done to find signs of actual “disease.”

Anyway, today is Dr. Szasz’s 100th birthday. (He died in 2012.) Author James Bovard has a good post with comments on Dr. Szasz, with some enlightening Szasz quotes, and he reprints an article he wrote in 1986 on ‘pure madness from psychiatrists.”

Craziness Over Coronavirus in the U.S. Should I Move to Sweden?

While there was a growing coronavirus epidemic by mid-February, at that time I don’t think that normal people could have predicted the utter craziness that’s going on now. But since that time, governments in the states and in Washington began to impose more and more draconian rules and diktats on the people.

Also in mid-February the stock market began to decline and crash, big time. So, this is a bad time now. And these terrible events were totally avoidable. Governors ordered stores and businesses to close. I mean, really? That’s nuts. And ordering people to stay in their homes? Government-mandated home imprisonment.

And for what? It’s because of coronavirus? Like it’s Ebola. No, it’s a flu, with a 1% death rate, or less than that! Most of the people who get it will have “mild” symptoms, like the flu. But mainly the elderly and those with serious illnesses are the ones who need to be protected.

So I was in the bank, and the teller is saying, “Put your check(s) on the counter and go stand back on the tape on the floor!” And she then stands back like she’s hysterically rushing over to hide, like I might give her the Plague, or the Black Death or something. She was literally hysterical. And so now the bank’s hours are reduced, and we have to make an appointment just to cash or deposit a check! And there’s no good reason for all this.

We’re allowed to go to the grocery store. At two stores there is a line outside, we must stand “6 feet apart,” and still there’s no toilet paper! People, there is no reason to hoard the toilet paper! Oh wait, at one store last week they were putting packages of toilet paper on shelves, but only the 24-packs. The guy said they had nothing smaller at that time. So, I didn’t have enough room to carry an entire 24-pack in addition to the things I needed to get, so I had to pass that up. Oh, well.

By the way, blogger Robert Wenzel mentioned that one idea is to find a restaurant that might be “open,” and ask if they have toilet paper in storage (because they don’t have customers actually going into the restaurant at this time who would be using the restrooms), and offer to pay a good price for a few rolls of toilet paper. I can’t remember if Wenzel mentioned that on his Economic Policy Journal blog or his Target Liberty blog.

But this whole thing is making people needlessly hysterical, like the above bank teller, and others, like neighborhood Nazis who are reporting on their neighbors for escaping from their homes, having gatherings of more than 10 people, or for coughing. Seriously? (Are you a Nazi neighbor? I hope not.)

And, speaking of Nazis, I think that governors who order businesses closed even if their owners had done nothing wrong, and in the absence of due process, are bad enough. But when such governors send their police after travelers coming in from other states and ordering them into quarantine i.e. home or hotel imprisonment, or police going door to door to harass visitors or following cars with NY license plates to terrorize innocent people, those really are Nazi governors, and I hope that each and every one of them loses his/her/its next election. They are horrible, terrible people.

And no, such policies will not “save lives,” or prevent people from getting coronavirus. In Sweden (of all places!) they have a much more relaxed attitude about all this, they aren’t imprisoning people in their homes or closing down businesses. Out of a population of 10 million, Sweden has 105 deaths allegedly from coronavirus as of two days ago. So they aren’t experiencing anything like the people in Italy or New York City, but they do have their FREEDOM!

So all this totalitarian crap is going to continue for the next month? Two months? Crash the economy? For a flu?

Mass Hysteria in the U.S. with COVID-19

With this COVID-19 coronavirus panic and hysteria, the real trouble is coming not from the virus itself but from the panic and hysteria, over-hyped by a very dishonest “news” media, in my opinion. It’s the first time in my 50+ years that I have seen this kind of panic and hysteria over what appears to be the same kind of illness as the flu.

But in the U.S., in which we’ve been through a Civil War and other major wars, Y2K, 9/11, not to mention the “Spanish Flu” of 1918, SARS and H1N1, with COVID-19 it is as though “We’re All Going to Die!” People are literally hysterical.

We’re talking about a mortality rate of up to 1%, people! The hysterical ones are treating something with a mortality rate of 1% as though it is Ebola that has a mortality rate of 90%!

And many of those who actually do get infected probably won’t notice it or have symptoms, and most of those who do come down with the symptoms will only experience “mild” symptoms. 99% of those who get it will NOT die.

In fact, I believe that this virus has been around in the U.S. and other parts of the world outside of China for months now, and that many people have already had the damn virus and probably assumed that what they had was just a flu or a cold. That is my theory on that.

Most of the deaths from officially-confirmed COVID-19 in the U.S. have been in Washington state, and most of them were from a single nursing home. Most of the people who are dying from this disease are in their 70s and 80s. Even in China, not one child below the age of 10 has died from this disease.

If you’re young, try not to worry. If you think you may have contracted the virus, then to protect the more vulnerable among us, just don’t go into a nursing home or hospital, and so on. Tell Grandma you’ll visit her in another month, just in case.

But with our “snowflake” culture in America now, the major sports leagues are canceling their remaining games. Concerts are being canceled, and museums are closing down. And Wall Street is crashing, and not because of the COVID-19, but because of panic and hysteria. This really sucks now.

The “news” media especially suck, because they are also sensationalizing this virus situation, and over-hyping to the point of eliciting even more panic and hysteria, so that people are rushing to their stores to clear out the shelves to get toilet paper and foods and necessities.

The public schools are closing for a few weeks or a month, and in some cases they and businesses are being like Felix Unger, “scrubbing down” and “disinfecting,” “out of an abundance of caution.”

No, out of an abundance of hysteria and irrationality!

Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day parade has been canceled, as it has been canceled in other cities such as New York, and the Boston Marathon has been postponed until September.

Am I the only one around here who thinks all that is overkill?

Instead, officials should warn elderly people or those who have serious illnesses to not participate in or attend those events. But canceling all these events for everybody?

And then we have Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker declaring a “State of Emergency!” As of today there are 108 “cases” (not “confirmed,” just “cases” which means they could be cases of common flu or something else) and ZERO deaths in Massachusetts.

So other power-grabbing governors are ordering the schools including private schools closed! One thing’s for sure, these politicians love power, they love ordering others around and throwing their weight around.

And this is what we have now. Irrationality. Authoritarian declarations by governors, and all the cancellations of sporting events, concerts and public gatherings, colleges and schools ordering students to leave their dorms early, completely unnecessary.

John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute recently wrote an article on how the COVID-19 overkill could be the excuse of our overlords to impose a Total Surveillance State. (This is another reason why I am a libertarian.)

According to the health officials who are not hysterical or bought and paid for by Big Pharma or who are not on a power trip, most of the people who actually get the COVID-19 virus may experience more mild than severe symptoms. Some may need to be hospitalized. If people already have respiratory issues, or smoke or live in heavily polluted areas, they are more vulnerable.

I think this is like any flu virus or cold that goes around. Chances are that most people will get this virus. They just have to be self-protective if you are among the more vulnerable, the elderly and those with serious medical conditions.

But the country is hysterical now, and it’s affecting the stock markets. And that’s a BIG problem, in my opinion. This mass hysteria is what really frightens me, not the virus itself.

What else concerns me are those people out there who are always on the lookout for someone to report on. So, watch out for all the Gladys Kravitzes out there, everyone. If you go out with a slight runny nose or happen to sneeze out in public, the health stasi may report on you. (Out of concern? No, out of ignorance and hysteria, and self-importance!)

Vaccines’ Aluminum Adjuvants Can Damage the Brain

I have mentioned vaccines here, and some of the problems they can cause and why. Part of the problem is the adjuvants they contain, including aluminum. Dr. Joseph Mercola published an article on the relationship between aluminum and Alzheimer’s, as well as autism and other neurological disorders. How Aluminum Damages Your Brain. He notes how aluminum adjuvants have never been tested for safety. Can you believe that? Yet the vaccines that have aluminum are approved by the FDA. And also the CDC’s vaccine schedules for adults and children exceed safe aluminum limits.

On Trusting the Word of the “Authorities”

You would think that in today’s day and age more people would question the “wisdom” of establishment medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. But that does not seem to be the case. Many people don’t want to see the connection between pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines and illnesses or conditions. They don’t want to question the vaccines and the potential of vaccines causing some kind of neurological harm.

We don’t want to question our doctors for some reason. And when it comes to the autism phenomenon, the whole debate regarding the vaccines gets shut down by the vaccines’ defenders, criticizing the opponents as “anti-vaxxers,” and asserting that the vaccine-autism connection has been “debunked.” It’s “settled science,” and all that. Which it isn’t, “settled science.”

If you don’t look into it, as Sharyl Attkinson has done, and if you just blindly trust the medical establishment and its mainstream media spokespeople, then of course you’ll not want to hear the arguments by informed vaccine skeptics.

And regarding the vaccines, with all the adjuvants, mercury and aluminum and so on. Not only the vaccines themselves that are given to children whose brains are still in the important developmental stages, but the number of vaccines they are given, the combinations of different vaccines at the same time, and the big increase in the number of doses given to a child just in the first 5 or 6 years of life. 60 doses?

And that combined with what the medical establishment and the schools are doing to the kids now, misdiagnosing the kids with not just autism, but ADHD, ADD, even depression and anxiety, when in many cases the kids are just acting like normal kids!

So no wonder the young people now such as the ones of college age are showing a big increase in anxiety and depression, they are so easily “triggered” by the littlest thing, they need “safe spaces,” teddy bears and puppy dogs to comfort them. No wonder they are hysterical, thinking that the end is near, “the world will end in 12 years,” as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ignorantly warns.

And no wonder the college campuses are experiencing irrational protests against nothing that matters in the real world, invasions and hostage-takings of Dean’s offices, shouting down of ideological opponents, censorship and banning of speakers. What is really causing these kids to act this way, this hysterical and irrational way? (Although, it’s not just the students, the faculties of these places of “education” are also filled with irrationality.)

So, in my view, burying their heads in the sand is what the deniers of vaccine- and drug-damage do in their defense of so much propaganda by the medical establishment, government and their media stenographers.

So now as with most of the “pandemic” scares there is a race to develop and distribute a new coronavirus vaccine to the masses, regardless of whether its been tested or approved. This is all based on panic and hysteria, of course.

Jon Rappoport has some recent posts on the China “epidemic.” Here is his summary of the ongoing crisis. He appears to believe that it is extremely difficult to prove that the so-called coronoavirus outbreak was caused by a “bio-weapon” accident or intentional release, and suggests that “published genetic sequences could be con jobs, hustles, and giant errors.”

Rappoport refers to “contaminated water supplies; lack of basic sanitation; giant toxic agricultural farms; industrial poison-pollution; hunger; starvation; protein-calorie malnutrition; fertile farm land stolen from native people by corporations and governments; toxic medical drugs and vaccines; and now, in Wuhan and other Chinese cities, unprecedented mixtures of toxic air pollution, causing lung damage.” And he refers to virus “propaganda,” which would be no surprise to me.

Rappoport writes:

I raise one more question for your serious consideration. If highly toxic pollution in the air, in Chinese cities, is causing deep lung damage, and if the Chinese government is covering that up with a story about a virus—what is now happening to the millions of Chinese people locked down, with nowhere to go, trapped in those cities—breathing the air?

And in this more recent post, Rappoprt discusses how the numbers of people testing positive for the coronavirus can be greatly inflated, and that a more likely situation is people having pneumonia, especially given China’s very high pollution levels and the negative effects on the respiratory systems of many Chinese people.

But when it comes to the medical industry and its enmeshment with (and collusions with) governments, for some reason most people seem to take the word of the industry leaders and government leaders as well.

But from my own personal experiences, I have seen up close the dishonesty and corruption with doctors, as I had detailed in my post on my own medical ordeal from the late 1990s to the late 2000s. For instance, with that ulcerative colitis medical ordeal, one doctor told me to eat more “bran and whole wheat” to gain more weight, yet people with ulcerative colitis shouldn’t have such foods that are irritants to the colon. I learned the hard way. And another doctor telling me to increase the sulfasalazine anti-inflammatory drug, which, I later learned (the hard way), depletes our potassium levels as well as our folic acid. The decreased potassium level caused my blood pressure to go up, and when I then decreased the sulfasalazine the blood pressure went back down to normal. Those were just a few instances of bad advice from the “experts” with MDs.

And my now-late father, who had Alzheimer’s. He had been given Lipitor and then later on had two strokes in 2013, at which time his arterial blockage was discovered. More recently I learned that statin drugs have been shown to deplete our vitamin K2, as well as our CoQ10. Vitamin K2 is important for efficient calcium distribution. K2 makes sure that our calcium that we consume is distributed to our bones where we need it, and it prevents calcium maldistribution, making sure that our calcium does not get stored where we don’t want it — our arteries, heart, etc. If the calcium builds up in those areas, known as calcifications, then it can cause  a blockage, such as in the artery and that would prevent important nutrients from passing through the bloodstream to get to the brain effectively, which will cause cognitive problems such as with one’s memory.

So my father’s Alzheimer’s following his two strokes and his further decline for the next 6 years (that I believe was started by his statin drug Lipitor) was another learning experience in addition to my own experiences. (By the way, Joe Biden takes a statin drug. I just thought I’d throw that out there.)

Bottom line: I don’t trust the word of medical “authorities” (and certainly not government authorities!), and I check things out with my own research, on the Internet, and learn from my own experiences.

How Much Do 5G and Wireless Technologies Affect Our Health?

I am only just recently becoming aware of issues regarding wifi radiation and 5G technology. It hasn’t been something that I am particularly interested in, because I don’t have an iPhone, my only Internet-accessible device being my desktop home computer. I do have an old cell phone but I don’t really use it, so it stays in a drawer most of the time.

But I have seen some articles now on the 5G technology and wifi supposedly making people sick, like with “flu-like” illnesses. This article refers to people having “microwave sickness” because of wireless technology, and now, 5G.

In my area I don’t know if 5G is around here, but I did recently have something like a flu that involved my digestive area. Not good. I already have digestive issues. I do have an iMac that’s 8 years old, and I haven’t been using wireless except for my wireless keyboard. Based on what I’ve read online, I have learned that if we sit farther back away from the computer we’re better off, because even if I’m not using wireless (except for the keyboard), supposedly the computer itself gives off radiation in levels enough to cause some possible issues.

I really don’t get colds that often, but earlier this year I had a cold in February and one in late April. But I definitely had something a week or two ago, probably a flu. (I don’t know if I’ve ever had the flu before, just colds. In my adult life I have only had a flu shot maybe two or three times, from 2002 to 2007, and I stopped getting flu shots after the one in 2007 had some sort of negative effect on me.)

Supposedly those wifi or 5G  technologies can affect one’s immune system. Anyone know about this kind of thing?

And a related article, apparently too much screen time can affect the brain development of little kids. A study concluded that “more screen time was harmful to the brain’s white matter, particularly in tracts supporting language and literacy skills,” according to GreenMedInfo. I think that such excessive screen viewing can affect people at any age, as such has been my experience.

Dietary Intervention Shown to Lift Depression

As another follow-up on my post yesterday on depression and psychiatric drugs, I wanted to link to this informative article by Dr. Mercola on how dietary intervention lifts depression.

In the article, Dr. Mercola mentions that both sugary and artificially sweetened beverages have been linked to an increased risk of depression, and he references a study that found that adolescents who have high sodium and low potassium in urine experience more symptoms of depression. He goes into detail as to how sugar negatively affects mental health. And he notes a study showing that young adults being given a Mediterranean diet had a “significant reduction” in depression after 3 weeks, that such a diet can reduce inflammation as well, and he gives some important nutritional information. I’m glad I already have changed my diet, that’s for sure.

Dr. Breggin on How to Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs

As a follow-up to my post yesterday on depression and the psychiatric drugs, I just wanted to reiterate that if anyone is taking psychiatric drugs and wants to stop, there could be further problems associated with withdrawal.

So, it is best to stop taking the drug gradually, certainly not suddenly. I did include a mention of that in my post yesterday. Dr. Peter Breggin’s book, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families, should be of help to those who want to get off the drugs safely. Here is his article about that.

Psychiatric Drugs Are Screwing People Up

Another young couple’s relationship has ended in a suicide, and the surviving one has been charged with involuntary manslaughter for urging her boyfriend to kill himself. The two were Boston College students, and the boyfriend, Alexander Urtula, committed suicide just hours before he was to attend graduation ceremonies at his college.

Allegedly, police found tens of thousands of texts on his phone in which the girlfriend, Inyoung You, was urging him to kill himself. She was even there at the top of the parking garage with him when he jumped off to his death, allegedly. The boyfriend had a history of mental illness, depression, etc. and she allegedly exploited that for her own power trip.

In my opinion, urging someone to do something, no matter how strongly one does so, is not a crime, and she should not be charged. Many people are influenced by many things toward their deciding to do something. But in the end, the individual is responsible for his own decisions and actions and his acting something out by his own free will.

Apparently, the couple’s parents were aware of their abusive relationship, but the parents did nothing. Should those parents also be charged with aiding and abetting a suicide for their not taking preventive action? If you’re going to charge a girlfriend for involuntary manslaughter for being mean and urging her boyfriend to commit suicide, then to be consistent you should charge those close to them who were aware of that abuse but did nothing. So in my opinion, that kind of charge is absurd.

But that is not the point of this post. I would really like to know if the young Alexander Urtula had been taking those prescription anti-depressant drugs or anti-anxiety drugs.

Those drugs, such as Xanax, Zoloft, Luvox, Prozac, valium, etc., have been shown to exacerbate depression and cause suicidal thoughts and behaviors. It is well documented now.

Dr. Peter Breggin has written and spoken extensively on that subject. See his antidepressant drug resource and information page for information.

Dr. Breggin describes exactly how antidepressants can cause further depression or suicidal thoughts and behaviors. For instance: “Antidepressants are neurotoxic, that is, they harm the brain and disrupt its functions. As a result, they cause innumerable kinds of abnormal thinking and behaviors, including mania, suicide and violence. In the process, they cause detectable damage to the brain of the child or adult, and also to the fetus of pregnant mothers who take the drug (See Scientific Section 9).”

This particular case of the two college students is very similar to the Michelle Carter case. In that case, Michelle Carter was a high school student who in 2014 had urged her boyfriend Conrad Roy to commit suicide. Their relationship was a dysfunctional one, apparently. Well, he did commit suicide, Michelle was charged with involuntary manslaughter and then convicted of that, based on her words and nothing else.

The two teens had only been together physically very minimally for a year, but most of their contact had been through texting. Tens of thousands of texts, just like in the current case of the Boston College youths.

Carter was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, and the Massachusetts state Supreme Court upheld the conviction. Apparently, the Justices do not believe in freedom of speech or that individuals are responsible for their own actions. She is appealing the conviction now to the U.S. Supreme Court. But, given the ignorant clowns we have there now, I am not holding my breath.

So the new case of the two Boston College students, Inyoung You and Alexander Urtula, in which Ms. You urged Mr. Urtula to commit suicide, and he did, is a similar case. But I am wondering if those two, like Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy, had been taking those psychiatric drugs, particularly Urtula. And if so, was it the effects of the drugs that had made his depression worse and caused him to have suicidal thoughts?

Dr. Breggin has written quite a bit about the Michelle Carter case, and he was an expert witness at her trial regarding her having been taking antidepressants.

In this article, Dr. Breggin notes that both Carter and her boyfriend Conrad Roy had been taking antidepressants for years. In this other article he shows how her taking Prozac at such a young age ultimately worsened Michelle’s eating disorder and depression. Dr. Breggin notes that children should not be given antidepressants at all.

In fact, I think that antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs are so over-prescribed that many doctors are giving them to patients who are not suffering from chronic, clinical depression but who are just feeling unhappy or depressed at certain times, and it’s the drugs themselves that actually cause a more severe case of depression and even suicidal thoughts! The primary doctors as well as the crazy psychiatrists! Honestly, I think the psychiatrists are addicted to giving out those terrible drugs.

Now, as Jon Rappoport noted in his newly revived blog regarding the harm that psychiatric drugs cause, for those who are taking a psychiatric drug and want to stop, don’t do it suddenly. It must be done gradually and under a knowledgeable practitioner’s supervision. Dr. Breggin has addressed the problems involving psychiatric drug withdrawal.

And I very much recommend that particular post by Jon Rappoport, who describes the history of and relationship between psychiatric drugs and violence, particularly the school shootings in the past two decades.

Many school shootings involved shooters who had been taking antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs. This article by Sam Jacobs lists some of the many examples of school shootings and workplace violence in which the violent ones were taking psychiatric drugs.

Dr. Breggin has an excellent article asserting that more psychiatry means more shootings. Quite an assertion. But he gives a lot of details to back that up.

And I still believe that the individual is responsible for his own actions, drugs or not. We can’t blame the drug if its user kills someone. BUT, the drugs are contributors to screwing people up, in my opinion.

Dr. Breggin writes: “Not only do psychiatric drugs add to the risk of violence, but psychiatric treatment lulls the various authorities and the family into believing that the patient is now “under control” and “less of a risk.” Even the patient may think the drugs are helping, and continue to take them right up to the moment of violence.”

Again, as Dr. Breggin has shown, those psychiatric drugs can worsen someone’s depression and cause suicidal thoughts and behaviors, as well as violence. And we know that Michelle Carter and her deceased boyfriend were taking psychiatric drugs, so I want to know if this latest couple, Inyoung You and Alexander Urtula, had been taking any psychiatric drugs. Will investigators allow that information to be made public, if it is the case?

And finally, given the epidemic of police suicides in New York City, had any of those officers been taking antidepressants or other psychiatric drugs? That article states that some of them are being “treated” for PTSD. We know what that means.

Furthermore, we know that there is a high number of military veteran suicides and active duty military suicides. The military “doctors” giving the soldiers and vets psychiatric drugs has also been well documented. I’m sure the pharmaceutical companies are benefiting from all this as well.

Child Sex Abuse Rampant in America, Especially in Foster Care, Apparently

The Jeffrey Epstein sex-trafficking and abuse scandal is once again reminding us of the sick pervs in society who exploit and abuse children and teens to serve the sickos’ narcissistic depravity.

And it’s not just teenage girls that Epstein and many others have been exploiting and abusing. Not just teenagers but younger kids. On a regular basis we are hearing about Catholic priests’ sexual abuse of children, and mainly boys. The lawsuits are still going on all over the country. And in the Boy Scouts, too!

I can’t believe the number of people who apparently can’t control themselves, either their sexual urges or their desire to treat a much weaker, more vulnerable and defenseless person in such invasive and abusive ways.

Is this child sexual abuse happening only in America? Nope. In Saudi Arabia and other countries grown men are allowed to have teenage girls or younger than teenagers, in sexual ways, and use as sex slaves. In fact, in Saudi Arabia, Iran and India, the officials arrest and jail the victim of rape if she dares to speak up and publicly accuse her assailant.

And apparently, child sex trafficking has been rampant in the foster care industry, as detailed in this article by Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News. Shilhavy provides this quote from Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking: “The United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide. … So there are tremendous numbers of kids, a multitude of kids that are being sold as sex slaves today in America. These are American kids, American-born, 50 percent to 60 percent of them coming out of the foster care industry.”

And the article links to several recent local news stories in which foster kids all over the country are being used as sex slaves, raped and abused.

Meanwhile, Health Impact News also has an article today on how local courts and CPS are taking children away from their parents and placing them into abusive or neglectful foster homes. The parents are accused of “medical abuse” because the parents actually know better than the “doctors” about what’s best for their child who has a specific issue that the parents are more familiar with.

In the example given, the mother is the one who is the victim of abuse by the courts and CPS and by an evil bureaucrat judge. The foster care people are the ones who are neglectful of the child’s specific digestive and absorption issues because they refuse to take the condition seriously and continue to give him a diet of foods in which his nutrients are not being absorbed, resulting in weight loss and other issues. So, the criminal abusers are the courts, CPS and foster care people, not the mother, especially in this case.

And that kind of situation is happening all the time, all across America. I think that CPS or otherwise similar government agencies in other countries such as England are even worse than in the U.S., especially when it comes to the enforcement of political correctness.

The true history of government is mainly one of abuse and criminality and not “protection.” So we should not be surprised that government “child protective services” and government-controlled foster care bureaucracies are causing so many children to be victims of sexual abuse and exploitation.