Monthly Archives: May 2019

Ocasio-Cortez’s Identity Politics for Vegetables

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez now has her own version of Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”: giving vegetables an identity politics requirement.

In my view, what is important is the actual nutritional content of a food item. Wherever it comes from or whatever its cultural association does not matter!

Vaccine-Related Censorship

Here is an extensive article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on the censorship that is going on regarding vaccines, the pharmaceutical companies that make them, and the many stories of vaccine injuries that are being intentionally censored.

The pro-vaccine lobby is working hard to get laws passed that will force everyone to use every vaccine the pharmaceutical industry produces and the federal government recommends. If forced vaccination lobbyists get their way, only studies confirming preconceived notions that all vaccines are safe and effective in all instances will be deemed “real science.” Everything else is “pseudoscience” or plain “misinformation.”

In other words, an era of “faith-based science” on the part of the vaccine worshipers and on behalf of pharmaceutical companies profits. Why are so many people being such easily-bamboozled dupes?

It’s Memorial Day

And what better way for President Donald Trump to recognize the war veterans than to send more troops to the Middle East and … make even more veterans! (And more widows, more orphans, more crippled and dead Americans, more PTSD patients, and more killed civilians abroad.)

Trump, John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Boeing Patrick Shanahan are thinking of starting a new war against Iran. After all, Afghanistan and Iraq went so well, didn’t they? And Vietnam.

Will Washington ever learn?

The State of Psychiatry These Days

There was a lengthy post by a psychiatrist, Scott Alexander, about this year’s meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

The post on the APA meeting included photos of the meeting premises and all the ads for psychiatric drugs by the damn pharmaceutical companies! I wanted to barf when I saw those photos. The ads are spread out on the escalators and staircases, benches as well as posters. Ads especially for anti-psychotic drugs. Egads, are there that many psychotic people around who really need that stuff?

Supposedly, 40 million Americans are taking psychiatric drugs. Oh, is that why Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump are acting that way? Is it the drug itself or the side effects?

No, I’m just kidding. But is this why the college students are so frightened by everything? The “snowflakes”? There are anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressants, as well as all the drugs for ADHD and so forth, Adderall and Ritalin.

Dr. Peter Breggin has spoken and written extensively about those issues, and about the dangers of psychiatric drugs, such as anti-depressants and anti-ADHD drugs.

The psychiatrist who wrote the post on the APA meeting, writes,

There’s a popular narrative that drug companies have stolen the soul of psychiatry. That they’ve reduced everything to chemical imbalances. The people who talk about this usually go on to argue that the true causes of mental illness are capitalism and racism. Have doctors forgotten that the real solution isn’t a pill, but structural change that challenges the systems of exploitation and domination that create suffering in the first place?

“The true causes of mental illness are capitalism and racism”? Capitalism causes mental illness? (Well, I wonder how much this doctor charges his patients?! Is that the capitalism he refers to?)

Now, during the 1980s I was in therapy, during and after college. And I also took several psychology courses in college. That was always something of interest to me. And I was in group therapy for several years as well. Don’t know if any of that therapy or group therapy helped, as far as anxiety and insecurity, etc. But I know from my own upbringing and from what I heard about from those fellow group therapy members, that our early family relationships and interactions had a big influence on things. But today’s psychiatrists and psychologists don’t seem to want to look at those aspects of the origins of anxiety or depression. It’s easier to give someone a drug, like a band-aid. Or repeat these more recent mantras of “racism” and “domination,” and … “capitalism”?

On the origins of anxiety, depression, or dysfunctional behaviors and interactions (I don’t like the phrase “mental illness,” because that’s more of a label or a stigma), I have found the works of Alice Miller, Heinz Kohut, D.W. Winnicott, Margaret Mahler, and Carl Whitaker enlightening and helpful.

Besides the over-dependence on the psychiatric drugs now by psychiatrists (many of whom are being paid by the pharmaceutical companies to promote that crap, by the way), I can see just how off-the-deep-end the whole industry has gone, as it too has been overly-infiltrated by the social justice warrior stuff.

In the post about the APA meeting, the writer describes how “woke” everyone is, and lists the various presentations about racism, gender bias, “Women’s Health In The US: Disruption And Exclusion In The Time Of Trump,” and “Addressing Microaggressions Toward Sexual And Gender Minorities: Caring For LGBTQ+ Patients And Providers,” among other “woke” things.

Now, please don’t get me started on all this stuff. A lot of this SJW stuff in recent years has been very dishonest and hypocritical. There are many calls for censorship now, and silencing of people who hadn’t intended any offense. Freedom of speech is a very important thing in a civilized society, in my opinion. And the SJW and “#MeToo” movements have encouraged the eroding of due process and presumption of innocence. So there’s an anti-civil liberties trend there.

I’m sure a lot of indoctrinated, “woke” people won’t agree with this, but there’s no such thing as “microaggression.” There are only aggression and non-aggression. Aggression is a physical phenomenon. If some people are so sensitive and thin-skinned with certain words or phrases then they obviously have some unresolved issues that probably go back to one’s childhood.

But these days, it seems that many people including psychiatrists and psychologists don’t want to look at those things. Perhaps they have unresolved issues from their own early childhoods?

Besides the police state and the national security-related erosion of civil liberties, psychiatry is another field in which coercion (i.e. aggression via threats or intimidation) is acceptable, regardless of how immoral it is.

I don’t know if the APA meeting included any talks on the use of Involuntary commitment and coercion, especially with child medical kidnapping. The Justina Pelletier Boston Children’s Hospital case, in which psychiatrists took control over an actual medical case of mitochondrial disease and claimed it was all psychosomatic and had the child involuntarily committed to a mental institution, was one of the most egregious cases I have read about. I certainly am glad the Pelletier family are in the process of suing the hospital. I also had my own negative experiences during the 1980s with psychotherapists (but nothing as extreme as involuntary commitments, though). So, I’m not big on psychiatry and the whole “mental health” industry.

And finally, the APA meeting actually included a CIA booth! Oh, come ON, are you serious? Are the CIA in need of psychiatric help? Are they there to recruit some hapless James Bond-wannabe MDs who might report on their patients expressing views the government disapproves of? I’m sure they already do this.

Possible Contributors to Ulcerative Colitis

I have written about my having to deal with ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the colon, inflammatory bowel, etc.), including my years-long ordeal with bad or corrupt and dishonest doctors and their bad advice and bad prescription anti-inflammatories and their side-effects. But here I want to mention some of the things that might have contributed to my having the ulcerative colitis in the first place.

Of course, stress has been a major influence on things. But there are other factors.

For starters, before I get into dietary factors, I can see how some things from earlier years might have had an influence on my colon. For example, when I was in middle school, my mother took me to a dermatologist for acne. The acne actually wasn’t that bad and in later years like college I got into the habit of just washing my face later in the day, and that’s helpful. So right there I’m thinking now what a waste of time and money going to the dermatologist was, just for a minor case of acne.

Anyway, the dermatologist gave me prescription for antibiotics. The first one, if I remember correctly after all these 40+ years now, was tetracycline, and then switched to erythromycin. In all these years later, I have learned that it’s not a good idea to take antibiotics except to save one’s life like as a last resort. Antibiotics are terrible for the colon, because, while they kill harmful bacteria they also kill the “good” bacteria, acidophilus, etc. that are necessary for good colon health. So, I took those from about age 12 or 13 until about age 20-22.

And even before that, I was given some kind of antibiotics when I was a baby, according to my mother, who said that I had some kind of serious illness at that early time and so I was given the antibiotics. That was supposedly the explanation later on for why my teeth appeared a little discolored.

Another thing during those earlier years, during high school and maybe into college was that I occasionally had stress-related headaches and took aspirin. Aspirin supposedly promotes bleeding, and isn’t particularly good for the colon, as I learned later on. So, that could be another factor.

Another factor that may have contributed to the ulcerative colitis might have been drinking coffee, although, if I remember correctly, by the mid-1990s I was taking “No-Doz” and Vivarin rather than drinking actual coffee. Caffeine is a known irritant to the colon. At least, that is what I learned during those years. Now, information on the Internet is referring more specifically to coffee. But the problem with coffee is that it’s acidic, and that’s an irritant to the colon. So, two strikes against coffee for someone with ulcerative colitis or an apparent sensitivity to developing UC: acidity and caffeine. I no longer have anything with caffeine, and I haven’t had coffee since the 1990s.

But I have a feeling that the biggest factor in why I developed ulcerative colitis was my eating habits. (What a shock, I know.) During middle school and high school, while I did eat the nutritious food my mother gave us, I rarely ate a breakfast on school days, and the lunch I took to school was this processed lunch meat on plain white bread. So, in my view I was not very well nourished during those important years of development.

But worse was the junk food I ate. I ate those Sara Lee chocolate cakes and cheesecakes, Yodels, Ring-Dings, Ho-Ho’s, Devil Dogs, chocolate chip cookies, and so on. Every day when coming home from school I would have a big “snack” and I’m surprised that I was actually hungry by dinner time. And then after the dinner hour I would have another big “snack” like in the early evening. (No wonder I rarely slept well and maybe got an average of 5 hours of sleep per night!) So those terrible eating habits went on for years.

And I was never over weight, by the way, I was always skinny. It’s like all the junk food went right through and didn’t cause extra weight. And I’m just guessing here, but I’ll bet that all the additives and preservatives, all the synthetic chemicals in those junk foods had some kind of negative effect on my digestive system in general. So, whatever nutrients in the nutritious food I did eat probably wasn’t getting thoroughly absorbed. My conclusion is that I was malnourished especially during those important adolescent years. And the bad foods probably had a terrible long-term effect on my digestive system.

And with all that aforementioned junk food a large part of that was chocolate, which is also an irritant probably because it contains caffeine. I think that (although I’m not sure) specifically sugar is also an irritant to the colon. Those junk foods are obviously high in sugar.

And it took me as late as that 1999-2000 terrible ordeal with the ulcerative colitis and bleeding BMs to finally understand the effects that food has on the digestive system, and I didn’t fully stop eating the junk until April of 2000. And I haven’t had any of that stuff since then either.

Medical Bureaucrats Are Terrible These Days

Another article on GreenMedInfo details how a 3-year-old is being forced to continue chemo even though the child is now cancer free. Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital is the organization whose bureaucrats believe in coercion and oppose informed consent, and obviously believe that the State owns the children. (Is that hospital yet another one to force a child to have further treatments, unnecessarily, even though that is going to further compromise the child’s health and immune system, because making money and making more money for the pharmaceutical companies is the real priority?)

The Right to Choose Your Kids’ Schooling

J.D. Tuccille of Reason explains how school boards are at each other’s throats in their disagreements over curricula and especially regarding social studies courses. Conservative vs. liberal, Republican vs. Democrat, and even whether America is a “republic” or a “democracy.”

J.D. concludes that he can have his kids homeschooled and others can send their kids to the public schools if such schools mirror their values. And I agree with that. It’s always a better thing to have choices, and not a good thing to live in an authoritarian world in which the rulers order you to do this or that, or force you to have to put your kids in lousy schools.

Vaccines: Who Ultimately May Decide? And, Is the Current Issue a Ruse?

An article recently discussed a group of doctors, Physicians for Informed Consent, who testified against a bill in the California legislature (SB 276) that would give a government health official the sole decision-making power to decide who gets a vaccine exemption and who does not.

The article discusses the pervasiveness of misinformation regarding vaccines. And it cites the director of the CDC having erroneously stated that “There are no treatment and no cure for measles…” But, the article states in rebuttal to that, “High-dose vitamin A and immunoglobulin (passive immunization) are available for the treatment of measles upon exposure, there is evidence that the antiviral ribavirin is beneficial in the treatment of measles, and 99.99% of measles cases fully recover…” (See actual article for footnotes.)

The article continues to note that “75–92% of hospitalized measles cases are low in vitamin A, and vitamin A status is a known factor that can be used to predict the severity of measles.”

Another recent article by Rosanne Lindsay suggests that the current vaccine “debate” is a ruse to eliminate freedom. And I write “debate” because what we are hearing mainly is not a debate but a lot of propaganda and misinformation as noted above, with the consumers of mainstream news being fed a lot of hysteria and hype, about measles, the MMR vaccine and vaccines in general. And it is hysteria, because a lot of what we are hearing is not rational, not based on actual facts.

And is the vaccine issue now really a ruse? Frankly, we are getting a lot of police state stuff now, with the mayor of New York City threatening to impose fines on people who don’t vaccinate or don’t show proof of vaccination. (Is there a vaccine against corrupt politicians?) So, if the goal of the propagandists is to eliminate freedom, then this ongoing crusade could be used as a part of that.

In the cited article, Lindsay provides a list of other articles on the MMR vaccine’s ineffectiveness and lack of testing for safety.

The bottom line is that all people have the right to not have some medication or chemicals injected into them if they don’t want to, or to not have their children being given that as well. Children’s brains are still in the very important developmental stages, and they can very well be harmed by vaccines, many of which are still untested but still being given approval by FDA.