Not a Fan of Pharmaceutical Companies

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson has a Substack post on the “cowardice of American scientists,” regarding the lack of research in the U.S. on WHY the Covid mRNA shots are causing so many problems with so many people. (And why they continue to be used, why the FDA continues to rubber stamp them, etc. Why do many “doctors” continue to defend them?)

Under the post title, the subtitle reads, “Researchers everywhere are doing work that raises hard questions about the safety of mRNA Covid shots. Everywhere except the United States, that is. Why?”

Berenson writes:

In only the last few weeks, researchers in Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Italy have published papers suggesting mRNA-caused myocarditis is more common and may hurt the heart for longer than previously known, while South Korean cardiologists reported almost two dozen fatal mRNA-caused myocarditis cases.

Only yesterday, immunologists in Hungary reported the mRNAs over time cause people to produce more of a type of antibody that does not destroy the coronavirus, building on findings last winter from German researchers.

Meanwhile, Japanese scientists have published many studies and case reports on potential autoimmune side effects of the mRNAs, including thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

But why aren’t scientists in the U.S. studying the problems with the mRNA injections?

Berenson writes, “Pfizer and Moderna, which brought the mRNAs to market and have sold over $100 billion in jabs worldwide, are both American companies…”

How much influence do those billionaire pharmaceutical companies have on research and medical institutions?

And now we are hearing that YouTube will much more actively take down videos promoting “alternative treatments” for cancer that contradict establishment medical treatments such as radiation. (Not that radiation treatments give people more problems, or that many “proven” cancer drugs actually make people more sick and that many people actually die more from the drugs than from the cancer itself, and on and on…)

Unfortunately a lot of people have a blind faith in the establishment medical system and pharmaceutical industry, regardless of their failures, fraud and criminality.

Hmm. Just how much influence do the pharma companies have on the media and social media, as well? Just like the influence they have on hospitals, doctors offices, medical schools and research institutions.

And more recent studies have shown that the more mRNA Covid boosters people have the more likely they are to actually get Covid and be hospitalized, and more likely to die of Covid as well. The increased antibodies promoted disease rather than preventing it. The mRNA “vaccine” is destroying people’s immune systems. Those are links to useful information that you’re not getting from “mainstream” media or government officials, i.e. from those who actually are the biggest disseminators of MISinformation on the planet.

And here is a more recent article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on how Pfizer has been hiding the damage that Covid mRNA shots do to the heart. I know, Mercola has been called by the fact-checkers (sic) and by the New York Times a “quack” and a “spreader of misinformation,” yet the Times and other “mainstream” media are the ones who have been spreading the most misinformation over these past 3 years now of Covid, on why healthy people should stay inside, on the face masks, and the mRNA shots.

As Dr. Naomi Wolf and attorney Aaron Siri discovered from the tens of thousands of Pfizer documents that Pfizer was forced to hand over via FOIA, Pfizer actually knew already of the injuries and deaths their mRNA was causing BEFORE the official roll-out of the “vaccine,” and further documents have been uncovered as well.

But as I have said, many doctors and other medical practitioners are still in denial of why so many previously healthy patients are coming in with all the heart inflammation and neurological problems, and why younger people are dying, like the young athletes dropping dead on the field, and high school kids also dropping dead.

But people in denial and having a continued blind faith in the establishment medical system and pharma drugs and “vaccines” will not save their family members and friends from deadly drugs, hospital protocol and this new experimental mRNA.

In my own family, after my mother’s 2nd booster or 4th mRNA shot, I was telling her of the problems that the shot is causing so many people and that she shouldn’t get any more boosters. But she’s going to listen to her doctor, certainly not me. What do I know?

And then she had a cancerous lung nodule, which she was able to get rid of (or to “burn up” or disable from a special kind of low radiation treatment), and she also had this new problem with her hands and fingers diagnosed as severe carpal tunnel syndrome, and then she had an ovarian cyst that she had surgery to remove, and then she had a “mass” in her lungs and it was discovered that the cancer had returned and spread to her spine and she was then in hospice and now she has died, last month. All that was since early 2022. (And she was very healthy and took care of herself with her diet of fruits and vegetables and avoiding alcohol, not smoking and not eating bad foods.)

And I’ll be quite blunt and say of course I blame the mRNA for ALL that crap. As stated above, now studies have shown that the more mRNA boosters people have the more likely they are to get Covid or other illnesses because the mRNA is destroying people’s immune systems. “Brought to you by Pfizer.” And so far, Pfizer is getting away with it, with the complicity of government officials, the FDA, CDC and NIH, and the ignorant “news” media.

And I have mentioned here before that my late father had been given Lipitor, a statin drug produced by Pfizer. He had a stroke and then a second stroke in May 2013, and declined gradually from that point on with Alzheimer’s until his death in 2019. In May 2013 after the 2nd stroke they found an arterial blockage and it was in a difficult area to deal with it, so they decided to leave it alone and hope for the best. Well, I saw online studies that showed that statin drugs deplete our vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 is essential for calcium distribution to the bones and preventing our calcium from being maldistributed to the arteries or heart. So, my conclusion was that his Lipitor, “brought to you by Pfizer,” had caused the arterial blockage (via depleting vitamin K2) which led to his stroke and further decline.

And in my own case, with my ulcerative colitis which I have mentioned a lot here, during the late 1990s and 2000s the problems with those pharma anti-inflammatory drugs! In early 2000 “Asacol” caused my leg, foot and ankle swelling, I could hardly walk up the steps to the building! Then for some reason sulfasalazine affected my blood pressure, via potassium levels that it had apparently affected.

Meanwhile, I have since learned through experience that the probiotics are the best thing for the colon health, as are consuming foods and beverages with anti-inflammatory properties, and avoiding foods and beverages known to promote inflammation. That has been the most positive therapeutic regime for me. No prescription drugs since 2011! (However I did have the first ulcerative colitis relapse since 2005 in late 2012, and another one in 2021.)

My experience with the so-called doctors during the 2000s was way not good. They were obsessed with handing out pharma drugs, and said nothing about the importance of nutrition. As Sgt. Schultz would say, “I know NOTHING! NNNNNothing!” And early on in my ordeal at that time the first primary doctor (sic) told me to have whole wheat and bran to help me to gain weight. And that made things worse again with the ulcerative colitis. People who have issues in the colon should not have foods that are known irritants to the colon. Duh, “Doctor.” Okay, I should have known better, but during those earlier years it didn’t quite yet occur to me to question my doctor’s judgment or advice. Yes, ALWAYS question and doubt your doctor’s advice! And yes, “do your own research!” I would probably be dead now if I didn’t do my own research!

And now we have the biggest pharma scandal EVER, with the mRNA injection that’s killing people and causing people to have heart disease and heart attacks, and killing young people, who were never at risk of Covid in the first place. This crap what government authorities and “doctors” are doing to us is outright criminal, and evil, in my opinion.

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